
Mangadex commands.

Mangadex reader

Read mangadex chapter via embed.

Search a Title

Find a title in mangadex.

/mangadex search <query>

Paste/type a string into <query>. For example: /mangadex search query:i sold my life

Get Title Details

For title details. You must provide the titleID to run this command. You can get it by using the search command.

/mangadex info <title_id>

Paste/type your titleID id into <title_id>. For example: /mangadex info title_id:9e03b2ca-5191-44a6-88b6-c0cd49d06b51

Reading a Chapter

For reading a chapter. You must provide the chapterID to run this command.

/mangadex info <chapter_id>

Paste/type your chapterID id into <chapter_id>. For example: /mangadex read chapter_id:0280a15d-ffb8-4ef1-8352-47faa2b99545

Download a Chapter

At this time, we are only available to download a book in .ZIP format. You must provide the chapterID to run this command.

/mangadex download <chapter_id>

Paste/type your chapterID into <chapter_id>. For example: /mangadex download chapter_id:0280a15d-ffb8-4ef1-8352-47faa2b99545

Last updated